Wednesday, September 9, 2009

My favorite car

Today i'll talk about my favorite car. This can be answered in two different ways. The first way would be my all time favorite car (that i'll never own) and the second would be my favorite car that I might actually own one day. So the first answer, the Lamborghini murcialago. This is unbelivable sexy for a car. I cannot stop staring at it's curves and powerful presence. The reason I won't own one is because they cost about a half million dollars and I am a teacher (meaning I don't make a half million dollars.) The second answer (my favorite car that I could actually own would be a 1998 Pontiac Firebird. The reason I love this car is that I actually did own this car at one time. It was my first cool car and I loved it. The reason I sold it was that it was starting to fall apart and i needed a car with better gas milage and a bigger trunk space.


  1. cool cars! I could probly buy u the lambo with my income of 800 grand a year

  2. sweet cars mr.torpin my dream cars are 1970 black camaro, corvet, and all the sweet old muscle cars besides mustangs i hate mustangs

  3. that first car is awsome i don't see why you sold your other car that is sweet to!!:)

  4. Sweet cars......All they need to is make alot more cool cars with better fuel efficency though!

  5. and to add to davids post and cheaper

  6. I have a lamboghni mr.torpin did you know that jk My uncle has one silly

  7. i like the fire birdbest out of the two cars
